Posted by
Wilton N
Thursday, February 19, 2009
9:47 PM
Ndainge ndaenda kuhostel kunotora Amina kuti timbofamba zvedu. Kucamp uku kwainge kuri kudondo zvako zvekuti mukangowana mukana maikwanisa kushaikwa pamap. Ndazomutora zvangu tikambotenderera tichiona vamwe. Apa ndaive ndatoona kuti ndatopedza basa guru and hapana chandaidawo kubva kwaari chakanyanya. Mukudaro mese umu ndakadzidza hangu something. Ukatora time kuziva munhu, almost anyone can become someone special in your life. Kwete kuti ndaive ndawira panaAmina but she had a good character zvake. Just that noone ever took time to really know her.
Zvisinei aindiudza kuti aive asati ambodanana nemukomana muhupenyu hwake. Paakandishocker she said, " I have a very good feeling about you and me." Mafess angu munhu anga atovona future? Ini ah? Ndakaita sendisina kuzvinzwa because i was not going to subject myself to taunts from the other guys. These 2 days had been hell enough but the mission had to go on. Ukabhadharwa ita basa! Takabva tasvika kuEnd kweCamp kwaive kusina mahostel. Pataive tiri ukangoyambuka karukova kaivepo waibva watobuda muCamp macho and yaizove out of bounds. Ko ndaigotyei? Ndakamutora neruoko mwana akabva andidhonza zvekuramba. I whispered in her ear, "It's ok sweety, tiri kungoenda apo." Akabva ataridza kunyaririra akauya neni.
Takasvika pane zimuti ndikabva ndamusudurudza pamuti ndakamubata muchiuno ndakamutaris. Akamboda kunditi ndee mumaziso zvikaramba nekunyara akatarisa pasi achinyemwerera. I lifted her face by the chin and i kissed her. She simply froze and i ran my hands slowly through her body going up. Pandakasvika pamazamu akamboda kuresista temptation yedhara. Achibvisa ruoko ndichiisa rimwe pakazoita nguva yekuti akangondirega ndichiita madiro. My left hand hoyo kusimudza skirt yemwana ndichimukissa. Kungomubata paya pakakosha kunzwa zvairi Lake Kariba zvayo kunyorova. Ndakamutangisa nechigunwe caressing her slowly and rubbing her. Akabva andisundira kwakadaro zvikanzi 'Tony, no!' Ndakabva ndamuti 'It's ok we can wait, just know i care about you.' We started walking back.
Amina akabva amira akanditarisa and she said, "I have this urge to kiss you and i don't know why." Then i said to her, "So what's stopping you!" She leaned forward akandikissa and everything i did this time haana kuramba. Ndakasimudza skirt yake so varume, ndikamupindurudza akabva akatarisa uko akabata muti ndokubva ndapfekera pant rake parutivi. Ini chombo changu bvaru muLake Kariba muya zvinyoro nyoro. Zvaitoda easy because she was tight handaimbokwanisa kunyudza kahwani. Ko ndaizivei Amina akaridza imwe mhere yekuti kana zvikara zvemusango zvaitiza. Ndakabva ndamuti 'just relax' but aigonzwei ini ndichiedza kunyudza chombo zvinepunch. Kudai kahwani, kepiri, ketatu akati zvorwadza. Ini ndikati asatye ndoita zvinyoro nyoro. Zvakatosvika pakuti aitadza kubatirira pamuti apera simba, akamboedza kubata shirt yangu uku akachema kurwadza haa varume ndakanzwa parere moyo kuti yes mukadzi ndadhingura all systems out. Zvakazoguma avekuchema kurwadziwa ndikaona kuti apa virgin ndingaikuvadze. Mukudaro hatina kumbozomirira zvakawanda, aive onyara kana kunditarisa akangotora twake achimhanya mhanya ndiye nange kumahostel.......
Posted by
Wilton N
Thursday, February 12, 2009
10:18 PM
Saka zviitiko zvakazoda kuti zviitike kuhigh skuru uko. Tanga tapinda musecond term ende ndanga ndadzika midzi mumaGame angu zvisina doubt. I was on top of the world and on top of my game. Twusikana twuri funny, twunokabira nezvinhu zvisina kana basa rese. Kubva kumaForm 1 kusvika kumaUpper Sixth hapana aisaziva 'muLower anonzi Tony kana kuti Big Willy'. Musafunge kuti ndiri kuzvipa nyembe, pavasikana ndaive benzi rinoziva zvarinoita varume. Mwari vakasika vanhukadzi kufadza inini.
Mukutanga kwesecond term iyi maLower Sixth taive neCamp. Hapana waisara yaive yemunhu wese. Mukuenda kuCamp uku ndiyo nguva yandaida kunyatsovona vasikana vainge varipo pagroup redu. Zvinonetsa kunyatsovona kara dziripo pamunosangana muclass, ini chikoro ndaida saka muclass ndaive munhu kwaye. Haa horait chokwadi chiri chekuti muclass ungazotarisa magero chirudziyi? KuCamp kuya ndivingwe nechikwata chemakoso vane proposal. Ndakamboda kuramba but pakaburitswa mari ndipo pakatendeuka moyo. But nyaya yacho anga ari mahwani guys. 4 of these girls came to me vachiti vaita problem inoda hubenzi hwangu. Pane musikana wavainge vaburana naye nyaya yacho ndisingazive kuti yanga iri yei chaizvo. Handina kuda kuziva zvakawanda zvangu. What i had to do was kunyenga sisi ava, ndavanyenga ndobva ndaita kuti awire zvisina akambovona then camp yapera ndomudonhedza zvangu kunge asipo. Plan iyi yanga yakaipira chinhu 1, aizovengwa ndini. Mumukore iwoyo $1000 yaive mari inotyisa ini pocket money paterm ndichipiwa kana $300. Kana vakadzi vachiita kuti ndifunge sebenzi mari iri kumashure nepadiki. I agreed but with reservations.
The real problem was not that i was worried about being hated by the girl but she wasn't all that. I mean she was right betwee ugly and ok. The kind of girl you can go home with after a drunken night out but not the girl you would parade to your fellas. Aive akareba, akaonda, mazamu uchiita ekutsvaka...... regai ndinyarare reputation yangu ichiripo. Anyway that night ndakatanga kutaudzana naye kunge munhu aingotsvakawo nyaya. Sometimes unopinda nedifferent angle kana uchida maresults. Taiita magroup activity ndikangotanga nemuwanzira, iye achidzorera zvichingodaro. Takazoti tazogara pasi tave 2 manje. Ndipo pandakazotanga kumubvunza nezvake sekunge ndaitoda kuziva. Zvakagumira ipapa husiku iwoyo. Mangwana acho ndakangotanga kubvunza vamwe vasikana kuti 'ko Amina aripi?' Paakazondiona nyika yese yainge yoziva kuti Tony was looking for Amina all day. Mafess angu remember, those are free marks. Any musikana will start wondering why afungwa nemukomana kudaro and nenature yevanhukadzi i promise you hapashaye kana mumwe chete who will suggest kuti musikana afarirwa. Free marks varume!
Husiku hwacho takaerekana tongoteverana, kwaaenda ndiriko, kwandiri ariko. Ndakamuperekedza kuhostel kwavo then tasvika i told her that she was such a lovely girl. Mwana ndakaona kufara mumeso ake. That was my sign, ndakabva ndamuudza kuti iwaya mazuva maviri atainge tatanga kutaura ndakabva ndaona hupenyu from a different angle. Akakabira. I hate to say this but vasikana sometimes muri mastupid imi. Ungabva wawira kudaro ne2 days? Kanganise mangwana acho ndakapinda muOverdrive chaiyo ndichitofamba ndakamubata ruoko, dai aiziva kuti mubhadharo ndiwo waimunyenga angadai akanditsvakira pfuti. Takapedza zuva rese tichipembedza rudo mwanasikana achifara zviya zvekufara kuti azodiwawo. Husiku hwacho manje.......
Posted by
Wilton N
Friday, February 6, 2009
9:24 PM
Vakomana regai ndikubatiseyi zvandakazoona kuLower Sixth uko! Ndaive ndaenda pachikoro chiri bho manje kwakazara mabhebhi zvisina akambovona. Nezuva rekutanga i had a clessing in my life, ok it was a half blessing but kusvikira ikozvino ndikaifunga nyaya iyi moyo unofara mhani. Munoziva kana uri paNew school unombotanga nedzungu mbijana but as time moves ukaita comfortabkle unokwanisa kuita zviri nani nenguva yako. Pachikoro apa ndakasanga nevasikana 3 vakanaka zvandisati ndambovona ini. Inzwai
Wekutanga ainzi Mabel. Vakomana paive negonyet remusikana because negaro rake aikwana kumashure kwePick up chete. Waiti uri mumashure make achifamba so meso ako anenge achingoti 'left, right, left, right' rikasimukura kurudyi, rosimukira kuruboshwe riri round kudai. Boys dzangu paive negero rakatsvuka zviya zvekutsvuka. Kumeso kwake pachokwadi kwanga kusina kunyanyonaka zvenyembe maziso ake aive akanaka asina kunyanyokura kana kunyanyoita madiki. Aikanganiswa nemaziromo (sorry bhebhi this is the nicest way i could put it). Mazamu ake waitombofunga kuti akayamwisa rimwe gore chete but aive asina kukura zvinosemesa ba. Unoziva zamu riya rekuti maoko anonyatsozara wakanhafa but risina kunyanyopfava zviya zvemvana yanzwa nekungobatwa mazamu. Kashoma kuona mukadzi ane mazamu akati kurei asi achinyatsomira kuti tasa. Vakomana ndaiti ndaona Mabel kana pabreak paya ndaitoda kumwa mvura kudaro. Ndakamunyenga zvangu but mwana aive muchoppaz zvekuti kana neni nehubenzi hwangu ndakasiyana nazvo ndichakwanisa. Zvisinei ndikamuona parizvino kana asati afuta ndinomutema chete promise! Mabel i miss you
The second girl was called Catherine. Kanga kari kamupfanha mukore iwoyo ari muForm 2 but unoziva panoita kamwana kakadeveloper kupinda vanhu vezera rake? Ari nevamwe vezera rake i couldnt help but think kuti kamwana aka is in the wrong age group. Main feature yake was the ass, vakomana munoziva uyu weporno anonzi Cherokee? Ndiyo league yacho iyoyo, garo rake wagarisa vana vacheche 2 kana 3 vakatotamba vakafara. Kuzoti pameso Catherine was THE most born sugar manje. Ndinofarira hangu vasikana vakatsuka but that girl was the sweetest dark chocolate God ever made. THE SWEETEST. I remember aifarira kuyisa lip gloss inovayima pamalips ake so zvekuti ukada kumakissa waienda kudenga chete. Funny enough mwana aindida iyeye but munguva iyoyo handina kubvira ndada kumuita bhebhi rangu. Ndaimhanyisana nemumwe zvangu but now ndave kudemba kuti dai ndakamboedza kurova zvinhu kahwani chete. I met her last year but these days awonda haachanyanyonakidza kuvona zvake, garo richiripo but isu tinoda madzimai anenyama but akanditi ndikwire handirambe.
Wetatu was in Form 3. Mary...... vakomana vakomana Mwari pavakagarira pasi vakapagona. Kwandiri ndiye musikana aive nayo iya inonzi 'sex appeal' zviya zvekuti ungati atorera vamwe vasikana vese sex appeal yacho. She was tall, slim yet curvy, anga anesucker pakati pemazino ake, meso ake ari bright zvinerunako mukati. Skin yake yave nekakuvaimira so from being smooth and anga asina anything chiri out of proportion paari. Kuzoti voice rake mafess? Achitaura neni all i could imagine was achichemerera ini ndichimupa zvinhu zvake. Error yakazoitika apa was that mumwe mufess wangu akadhaivhira koso tisati tada kukanda shoko otherwise tisangane parizvino tinopedzerana.
Posted by
Wilton N
Saturday, January 31, 2009
10:29 PM
Saka from the day yandakadhinhikana naCharmaine hapana zvakanyanya zvakambozobuda mazviri. I became a very busy man mazuva aitevera and considering that she never really called me it was a matter of time before kaspark kaya kashamura. Despite what happened naChido before (which was a very special case) I had a policy yekuti musikana haarambwi just in case ukada kudzokera. Chero ndisingadi musikana sei varume handimurambi I will do everything in my power kumubhohwa kana kuti iye anzwe kunge zvisiri kumufambira. Akangondiramba chete tinenge tagona basa! Munogona kuzosangana 5 years later ari single ukamutsa maprevious and pakadaro ndipo panonakidza because vashoma vakadzi vanenge vachida rudo rweserious but she feels safe kuti maimbove mese. And kana usina kumuboora its still all good because pane that ‘ex’ factor (the gift and the curse because ex factor inokwanisa kukukuvadza when that person does not take kindly to exes)
It happened according to plan naCharmaine. Ndakabva ndaenda kuBulawayo for about a month before form 4 results abuda zvekuti munguva iyoyo handina kana kumufonera kana kamwechete zvako. Musikana anozokudawo after that ibenzi chete. Ndakadhumhana naye zvangu and acted like aitove shamwari yangu yandanga ndisina kuona in ages and never hinted on any prior relationship. Plan yakashanda and she got the hint and never complained but I should have known because she later on became responsible for one of the worst experiences of my life and I am sure it was payback chaiyo. Mudzimai akaita grudge newe kuzoona rapera unenge waripa zvirokwazvo mudhara. For now all you have to know is musikana uyu has been telling the world a lot of shit about me since then. Tichasangana zvedu one day kurokesheni.
Not much to share today guys stories continue next week.
Posted by
Wilton N
Saturday, January 24, 2009
9:05 PM
Now that zvanga zvafamba naCharmaine I was hoping that everything would just fit into place like a glove. I had my doubts hangu because it was rather ‘too easy’ in a way. Vakomana munozviziva inga wani! Zvinodawo kamothers kanomboramba ramba kambichana unobva wanyatsoziva kuti nyangwe ripi bhambi rinozama rinombowona moto kana kuti harina kana door.
Taive tambodhonza mazuva akati kuti tichitaura zvedu pafoni ndichidzika midzi plus kubatanidza bhanzi rekuzonyatsoimpressa pafirst date ka! I organised a date for the weekend because I knew she wouldn’t be at school which was the logical thing to do. The day rataifanira kusangana she called me (which she had not done before kubvira tadanana, rombe) then she apologised saying asara ega kuden saka she would not be able to make it. For isusu madhara azvo that was no problem ndakabva ndamubvunza kuti big family iri kudzoka nguvai ndimuvhakachire. Chivindi ndaive nacho ende ndinotoshaya kuti chakabvepi because pamabhebhi ndipo pandaida kutaridza huhombarume hwese. Charmaine said to me “Come right now if you can babie because that will give us a few hours since I have work to do and cooking as well.” Handina kuda kukakarisana neplan iri bhoo kudaro. A few hours?! Good shit mhani!
I found my way there within 45 minutes after she lived in the next neighbourhood, dai kusiri kuti ndaive mutown nakudhara ndakatokurumidza kupinda mumaraini avo. Ndasvika kudai bhebhi akabva anditi “Sisi vebasa varipo and actually ihama yamhamha saka enda neuko and jamba fence nekuseri.” I have to admit I was scared but I went willingly hoping that kushinga kwangu kuchabhadharwa zviri right. Ndajamba fence paya takaenda straight kubedroom kwake which she seemed to share with her sisters. It was just a bloody crowded house man! That was the least of my worries.
Tasvika kudaro ndakanyepedzera kuda kutaura nyaya zvishoma just not to make my intentions obvious but ndakainonokera colgate machinda! She was on top of me before I realised it! Now it started off well zidako softaz riri mumaoko nekukura kwaro ndanga ndakanyatsorishunya zvekufara zviya. Ndakatombokanganwa ka kuti I was at someone else’s house! It was just going too well baba! Kuzoti kiss kudai? Ndakanzwa kunge rurimi rwangu rwazvomorwa neVacuum cleaner zvekuti it can get detached from my mouth anytime. Guys mothers vaisagona kutsvoda ivavo and let me not even start about the bad breath. NO NO NO, this was NOT happening to me! Saliva everywhere seemed like she was now kissing my face not my mouth. Fantasy quickly turned into a nightmare, she was nowhere near experienced or having the slightest hint of what she was doing. Is this why ndirini ndega ndaimuona sengirozi iwo ari makumbo enyoka zvawo? Boys dzangu I tried to slow it down kuti kuda ndingadzidzisawo munhu pashoma but maya kwanga kusina iyoyo. That huge ass started becoming less and less important, all I could see was those tiny tits and a really really nasty chick. The grass wasn’t greener on the other side machinda kwanga kune draught uko!
Ndakangozovhara vhara ma-one imwe iya iya kuti ndichingoenda, I played my ‘I don’t want to move too fast because I really see so much potential with us’ card. I needed to get out of there quick! Charmaine agreed hake but I think she sensed that I had been put off. This was the first time in my life that I got turned off pamusikana zvekuti ndaisada kumuona and best believe it was not that last! Ndakabudamo ndichimhanya and on the way kumakombi (after she left of course) ndaingopfira pfira mate kunge kambwanana ungati ndanga ndadya chinhu chakaora. I learnt a valuable lesson in life that day!
Posted by
Wilton N
Friday, January 16, 2009
8:06 PM
The moment she took the cellphone kuti aise number i knew kuti ndichamufonyora kusvikira asisagone kufunga mwana uyu. Ndakabva ndapihwa maInstruction ekuti don't call after six because dhedhi vanenge vadzoka. Munoziva vana vekuHigh school vabereki protect them kunge vachazovaroora varivo. Ndisati ndaenda ndikamuti "My name is Wilton by the way, you can call me Tony." She says to me. "I'm Charmaine." akabva asekerera and she went her merry way.
Handina kuda kubvira ndamufonera that night. Sometimes as a man its best to look as busy as possible kuti azasofunge kuti uri rombe rinongoswerombeya muTown. Ndanga ndiri paForm 4 holiday ini i had sooooooooooo much time to kill. Zvisineyi hazvo pamberi nenyaya ndanga ndakamuplannira horror yerudo maximum nyengaring time 2 weeks! Ndakazomufonera iri Wednesday ndikambotaura naye kambichana. Mubhuku rangu remaTactics ndaiziva kuti within 2 weeks ndinenge ndatove muVocabulary yake zvekuti ndikasafona aitogaya kuti pamwe ndadyiwa nechimwe chinhu. Mukutaurirana kwedu chokwadi waiona kuti pane chemistry apa. I dont know why but for some reason i got the feeling that she never really had too many guys ask her out. She tried to hide it but ndaizviona kuti arikutapirirwa neni ende ndaibva ndawedzera moto kuti zvipise.
My charms worked faster than viagra with this one. So much for the thrill of the chase which had been so exciting, she was easier than i anticipated. Apa changa chasara ka was kungomukandira shoko and i was sure kuti she would be mine. But there was a problem. I was still dating Chido at the time and i needed to get rid of her. The truth is guys ini i wanted an exclusive relationship one at a time where i could concentrate on musikana wangu till the very last (besides the fact yekuti vanhu vemumaSmall town ukahura unobatwa chop chop!). It didnt take much to finish off naChido which i managed to achieve within a few days. I wont repeat nyaya yacho munoiziva mese.
So now lets continue from the day when we parted ways naChido. After that last hug and kiss i knew kuti now i was a free man and ndaikwanisa kuchinyenga Charmaine zvekumuita bhebhi rangu one time. I did not waste time musi iwoyo, i went straight home and call the girl. Takambotaura a good hour while i gathered up enough courage to finally say the magic words, "Will you be my girlfriend?" Ndambobatwa nebuka varume because she paused kambijana and i was now scared kuti ndingangobhambiswa nekoso. Akabva anditi " Errmmmm ok, ya." ndikati yachata! Ndakazoswera ndichingozvibigga kuti ndiri dhara one mbama to another, ndombonzaniko?
Simba rekupedzisa zvakazoitika paFirst date handichina but i promise i will do that soon, untill next time!
Posted by
Wilton N
Friday, December 26, 2008
7:46 PM
Ndakarova zvangu easy paBoxing day ndati regai ndipedzise nyaya dzemabhebhi. Saka before ndapedzisa nyaya yachido ndanga ndatanga nyaya yeReplacement yake. Zvakaitika ndezvizvi:
Ndaive ndineimwe shamwari yangu yandakakura nayo inonzi Tinashe. Takaona musikana akanaka zvisina akamboona (ok she was that good to me at least!). Ini vakadzi vandinoda vatsvuku vane nyama, ndinofarira figure yemukadzi iya inotaridza kuti munhu akasvika 35 vanenge vari mai chaivo. Mukadzi uya wekuti akakupfekera dhirezi so-o rinonyatsozadzwa kwete nekufuta ba, asi neFigure inokumisa chombo. Ndivo vakadzi vandinoda ivavo. This one was just right, she had a slightly chubby face but that couldn't take away that huge ass. Vashoma vasikana vakanaka vakapfeka uniform and she was among the vashoma! Ende futi vashoma vasikana vekuti anotanga kutaridza figure yehumai asati atombobata 18. I think whoever arikuverenga can tell kuti ndinochiva runako heavy plus handirambe ndoostaira yangu. Musikana uyu ndakamuona pazuva iri ndikazvipira kuti achaita wangu nyangwe zvadini. I could not approach her then but i knew tichasangana futi sooner or later.
Ndakazoti ndamuona pamakombi ekuvhaya kuden ndikaziva kuti nhasi ndotowana entry chete. Ndakasvikapedzyo naye ndikamubvunz kuti "Excuse me, ndaona uniform yawakapfeka do you know nhingi anodzidzapo." Ndaingonamata kuti akangondipindura zvisina rough tapinda tapinda! Akabva andiudza kuti anomuziva ndikabva ndatowedzera nyaya kuti tisvike pakutaura zviri nani. Ndakabva ndazomuti, 'Hey i really like your hair and you make that school uniform look like a designer outfit." Chimoko chakabva chanyemwerera zviya zvekuti, "Really? I am that pretty?" Apo ndakamuti, "Keep it up sweetie it makes a man like me believe again." Handina kuzoda kutora number kana zita all i wanted to do was make a lasting impression then ndozomukuvadza nezvimwe later.
I went home and the next day iri Saturday i bumped into her muTown. She was wearing maLeather eBlack boots anosvika pamaKnees with a shortish denim skirt neTop iri floral. She didnt have much in front of her when it came to breasts but those hips, thighs and that huge, fine ass! Very convenient indeed, handina kutombomutsvaka, she came to me and she says. "You are the guy from yesterday right?" Ndikati, "Ehe" and she smiled. Not wanting to make my intentions obvious as yet ndakabva ndamuudza kuti i was in a rush and if she didnt mind i would call her. Ndikaburitsa cell phone yangu kungotaridzawo kaClass and i said, "What's your number?" ndichinyemwerera nemufaro.
Posted by
Wilton N
Saturday, December 20, 2008
9:46 PM
Tanga tave munaJanuary the following year apo it was obvious kuti there was no more future between me and Chido. I did not feel the same way for her anymore. I couldnt miss her like i used to even pataitaura nyaya dzainge dzisisanakidze. You know when you are frequently blessed by long periods of silence during a conversation muchishaya zvekutaura. It was now at that stage.
The best thing panapa was to end it coz panga pasisina iripo. On another note ndanga ndatotanga kuProcessor kamwe katsvuku futi kanga kaneDVD rinonwisa mvura! Mwana ndakamutsoma iyeye kusvikira aita wangu because handina kubvira ndamboda musikana wekuona muRoad saizvozvo. Anyway, ndakafonera Chido to arrange us to meet up, it was halfway into the holiday and tanga tisina kumboisa effort yekuonana. From the way she responded i knew kuti she realised that i wanted to end it.
Takasangana mutown and i asked her to go for a walk with me, she was unusually quiet but not moody just quiet. We got to a secluded spot, sat down and i said to her, "Chido, sweetie we have come a long way and i think its time we move on." She looked at me akanditi, "I was thinking of the same thing everything changed since last August and i love you but ndakakurwadzisa." We were both in agreement that it wasn't working anymore. We looked at each other not in pain but in happiness yekuti we had spent such good times together. She suggested we share our last kiss and i gladly agreed. We kissed, we hugged tightly and went our seperate ways with smiles on our faces. I did not feel hurt but felt that we ended it so maturely. This was the best break up i ever had and she was the first girl i ever really deeply cared for.
Posted by
Wilton N
Saturday, December 13, 2008
9:08 PM
Vakomana Chido was a serial flirt! The truth is i actually never realised it until some months into our relationship. You know that type of girl who is overly friendly even to people she doesn't know or guys who obviously want to chat her up? Kungoti ndaive mupfanha zvangu but something should have clicked. After all tese taive maBorder ndichidzidza at one end of the country at a boys school iye ari kwake at a co-ed. I am very sure maface would be trying their luck at every turn coz Chido anga asina kunakira inini chete. At that time it actually never bothered me, ndaitoramba kuenda kumadisco at our sister school because 'i was being faithful and i had a girl i loved'. Bullshit zvayo!
Pane vanhu vakadzidza kuBoarding you all know kuti kuReceiver tsamba was a massive thing. Kunyanya paSingle sex school waibva wabigga nemachinda kuti unenyengo ukawana tsamba kubva kumusikana, better yet akatumira photo zvichingodaro. One day ndakazowana tsamba ine handwriting yandisingazive but i was hopeful. Kuvhura kudai kuona zviri zvituko zvega zvega from a guy aidzidza kuchikoro kwaChido. Mukomana uyu aindiudza kuti ndisiyane negero rake because anoziva zita rangu, where i live and hang out zvekuti aizonditumira chokwata. I never took it seriously but ndipo pandakatanga kuita very suspicious of Chido's actions. That term handina kuzobvira ndamunyorera tsamba.
Holiday yasvika manje i spent over a week ndisingabatike paDen zvekuti she was worried kuti what had happened to me. Akatombozouya kuzonditsvaka but hapana kwaakasvika. Ndakazofona ndirini ndikamubvunzurunza nyaya yekukomana uya ndisina kana kumubvunza mufaro. There was dead silence then she started to cry. Handina kumbozomirira kunzwa achihwihwidza ndikaisa phone pasi. A few minutes later her older sister called me telling me Chido aida kutaura neni, ndikabvuma only because ndaivanyara plus nechemukati gadzi ndairida iroro. She was tall and thick, mukadzi uya wekuti ukaroora mutakunanzva chete husiku. Fact is she was too old for me but still made up a good portion of my fantasies. Chido akazouya paPhone and the girl was very apologetic and i would have none of it. Ndakaomesa musoro ndikamuti tell me zvese or else hauna chance neni futi. Akatanga kudura kuti vakadanana kubvira January and muface uyu aigara kuneimwewo taundi saka vaisaonana maHoliday. Zvanga zvaakundibhohwa kuti ndiri kuitwa second hand apa negero ndikamusiya ari paLine ndacutta zvangu.
Akazofona zuva roda kuvira apo ndanga ndati dzikamei akandikumbira kuti ndiuye kumba kwavo. Atadzira mumwe ndiani? Now u want me to come visit your ass? Bitch please! Ndakaenda anyway. Mukusvika ndakbva ndavava zvisina akaona but maSorry ake ainakidza kunzwa zvekuti ndakanyunguduka hasha kusara rudo zvakare. Ndakabva ndamuudza kuti chero zvadini ukangonditamba 10-0 futi handina remuromo newe. We got back together again but things were never the same. I could not treat her with love again, i had the same suspicions when she was away. We eventually broke up in the sweetest way but that is another story for tomorrow.
Posted by
Wilton N
Saturday, December 6, 2008
10:23 PM
Hana yangu was beating like never before ndichiedza kufunga kuti what could she possibly want to tell me?! She paused for a moment and said "I am really embarassed coz my thighs are abnormal." Nechemumoyo i was like "OK!", truth being i hadnt noticed anything irregular. Chido then went on to say, "I have these very light patches all over them and my sisters vanogara vachindiseka which has made me very insecure about them." I became far more relaxed because had she told me she had AIDS or something ndingadai ndakangoita dombo ipapo. I began to reassure her kuti panga pasina problem and i hadnt noticed anything odd about her thighs. This was the introduction to my 'I wanna get into your pants mode', the very first time i chose to lie so that i could get some.
Tisati tatombodii ndave ready kuenda kustage 2 what happens? I hear voice remupfanha wangu and bedroom raanaMhomz richivhurwa. Shit! My mother was back! Vakomana ndakaHooter nekutya but it struck me kuti mhomz vangu namhomz vake went to the same church and i chose to play this one out calmly. Vari mubedroom kudaro takanyatsopfeka hembe ndokubva tabuda tikaenda panze acting like ndipo patanga tiri all along. Takapinda muSitting room ini ndikagara uko iye akagara uko on opposite sofas zvakutaridza innocence yedu. Mhomz vakabuda kuBedroom tikabva tanyadzodzikama kuona TV zvedu then i introduced Chido to my mother as 'mwana waMai Nhingi' vekuchurch and we had been good friends since Form 1. My mother was seemingly pleased at the whole thing and began asking Chido about her mother and so on. It made me feel a lot more relaxed about nyaya yekuunza musikana pamba but i vowed never to do it again which of cause i never fulfilled.
Patakazokwanisa kubuda we both breathed a sigh of relief because it was a close one! I still do not know how i managed to keep calm through it all but i saved my own ass by quick thinking and not panicking! Nowadays i think of Chido a lot, i know it was many many years ago but we were 2 people vakawirirana like no other. Maybe we met at the wrong time but we surely had the best of our time together, there are a lot more things that happened with her but ndavekurara ini tozozviona mangwana guys. Peace
Posted by
Wilton N
Saturday, November 29, 2008
11:01 PM
Chido ndeumwe wevasikana vandakadanana navo. She was tall, slim with a very athletic figure (but asina kurasa maCurves echisikana aya anonakidza shape yemukadzi), very light , with these sweet supple breasts that made me cringe nekuspakwa when i saw them. She had soft skin aneShort hair (mostly because kuchikoro kwavo vaida short hair) but yanga yakamufitta. Meso ake anga akada kuita kunge muChina akanaka zvekuti akakuti ndee mumaziso wainakirwa iwe. Mainini vanga vakanaka ivavo! We had been friends for a few years ndakatanga kumuziva ndiri form 1 kumaHoliday lessons. Taipindirana sebhande nebhurugwa. Ainge asina matyira apo aindida zvisina mubvunzo.
She lived a few roads away and was great company so we found ourselves spending a lot of time together. Chainyanyonakidza mukudanana makore iwayo muchiri vadiki ndechekuti you would even get in trouble for each other kuti mufonerane kana kuonana. Ini naChido ndizvo zvataigona manje! Kukwidza phone bill raanaMhomz kana kutiza pamba tichienda kuMovie zvaive zvishoma. Rudo rwaipisa irworwo! Rimwe zuva ndakazomuti achiuya neni kumba nokuti mhamha vanga vasipo. Taive tashaya venue yekumbodanana kambichana because yanga iri mid-morning apo movie house yaizovhura kuma2. Time yekumirira ndipo panga pasina manje. I thought tikangovhaya kuden faster faster tinokwanisa kuronga zviri nani. Chido ainakidza pakuti aisangotya zvese zvese saka akabvuma pasina mutauro.
Tasvika kumba and then sisi vebasa vanga varipo, munin'ina wangu at the time was 3 years old arikuCreche, umwe wacho ndisingazive kuti ainge aripi panguva yacho. Takambotanga kuridza music tichitamba. Ndakaisa maSongs edu andaiziva kuti aimafarira ndikabva ndamubata back to front ndichimuzevezera munzeve. My game wasnt too bad lol! We kept to that for a good 15 minutes then i suggested tiende kuBedroom. I led her by hand ndichiedza not to make it obvious kuti i wanted to take a nice long look at her tight jeans eBlue nekaspaghetti top keWhite kainge kakabata mazamu ake zvakanyatsonaka. Pindei muBedroom akabva anditarisa nerimwe ziso riya rinokuudza zvakawanda. Ndiye akakiya door ndokuswedera padhuze neni ruoko rwake rwuchibata bhurugwa rangu. Apo yanga yatomira kare! Chokwadi ndechekuti ndanga ndisina kumborara nemusikana and hana yangu yaibika manhanga because i wasn't sure kuti tiri kuendepi chaizvo. She was more experienced than me, had taught me how to kiss and experience yangu yese yanga iri paari.
We kissed zviri soft apo ndakazangana nemaFeelings ekufara nekutya. Ndaitya futi kuti ko kana mhamha vakadzoka toita sei because there was only one way out, nepaFront gate! Zvisinei hazvo taizozviona kana zvasvika otherwise parizvino it was a different focus. Ndakamubata mazamu ake and she held my hands leading them in motion so that i do the right thing. Ipapo ndainyatsonzwa manakidziro azvo tikabva tananga pamubhedha iye akaenda pazasi. Ndakabva ndadedera ndichimubvisa maJeans ake and she started being very shy. Apo im thinking kuti ko ndeip? We then stopped kissing and she says "I have something to tell you!" Vakomana ndakada kuda kubatwa nebuka chairo....
To be continued
Posted by
Wilton N
Friday, November 21, 2008
10:36 PM
My name is Wilton.
Ndaive Form 1 paya, ndange ndava nemusikana wangu anonzi Tari wandaidanana naye. Takabvira grade 7 mukudanana uku. Chikoso ichi chaive chakatsvuka chakarerekera mukusimba asi asiri chidhafu. Mazuva aya ndainyanyotarisa kunaka kwechiso, the girl was hot mhani! Ndaiti ndikamutarisa kudai i could see kuti apa ndakanyenga ndichinyatsoda.
Zvisinei i remember the very first disco kuchikoro, vana Tari vakauya kwedu kuzofara. Mazuva iwayo ndaitya zvangu vasikana ndicho chokwadi. I saw her nechekure hana ikatanga kurova! Ndakazviona kuti ainge andiona hake but kuti ndichamure kwaari aneshamwari dzake zvaindinetsa vakomana! Ndakanyepedzera kuvaBusy nemaface angu ndikamboenda kuStage kunaDJ ndikadini ko. Ndofunga I spent kana 2 hours ndichingorova maBack and forth iwayo. Ndakazochiwana kuchangamuka manje ndaona rimwe ziForm 2 raenda kune gero rangu asking for a dance. Luckily she refused ndikaona kuti apa zvavekutoda kumira mira, ndakabva ndaenda kwaari choppaz. Chekutanga chandakamubvunza kwaive kuti 'Shaa can we slow track, i want to hold you.' Ipapo akabva amira, akaenda kushamwari dzake kunovabvunza kuti odini. Vasekenyeka zvaisvota vachinditaura, akabva adzoka and she said to me "Okay!" Guys ndakafara dai makaona smaira yakabudapo ungati muface atopihwa bonde uyu! But ndaive Form 1 ko ndaizivei zvangu? Ndakabva ndapfekera maoko mujacket raainge akapfeka but i wasnt sure what to do exactly. After a few minutes akazonyatsondimbundikira musoro uri pachipfuva changu ini ndikati zvangu zvauya maoko pamagaro ake straight! Zvakazoitika after that handichazive ini but that was the first time yandakabata musikana muviri!
Parizvino Tari ndakapedzisira kumuona muna2005. She isn't quite as pretty anymore akabva atanga kufuta and nekukura kunaka kwakaita kuchiperawo. To make it worse she has gained quite a fair bit of weight and is such a tomboy zvinobhohwa so. When i met her, taive muneimwe restaurant and i was getting take away lunch yekubasa. At first i was pleasantly surprised because we ended it on a good note and ndaimuona a couple of times each year sevanhu vaigara in the same town. This was the first time i had seen her in about 6 months and we actually had time to talk. Takataura a bit and the next thing she said ndavekuda kuenda is, "Tony sweetie please buy me lunch!" Ndakabva ndangoti "ZiGolddigger!" nechemumoyo ndikamuti "Sorry wena ndatotumwawo nashefu kuzovatengera." Now i expected it to be cool obva angoti iribhoo but goes on to say, "Hauna kana change here nditenge donut." Ah ndakabva ndaseka zvangu ndikati "Mayaz bhebhi i gotta go." ndikabudamo chopp chop! Glad i dated her achiri munhu!