Episode 9 - Eventually

Saka from the day yandakadhinhikana naCharmaine hapana zvakanyanya zvakambozobuda mazviri. I became a very busy man mazuva aitevera and considering that she never really called me it was a matter of time before kaspark kaya kashamura. Despite what happened naChido before (which was a very special case) I had a policy yekuti musikana haarambwi just in case ukada kudzokera. Chero ndisingadi musikana sei varume handimurambi I will do everything in my power kumubhohwa kana kuti iye anzwe kunge zvisiri kumufambira. Akangondiramba chete tinenge tagona basa! Munogona kuzosangana 5 years later ari single ukamutsa maprevious and pakadaro ndipo panonakidza because vashoma vakadzi vanenge vachida rudo rweserious but she feels safe kuti maimbove mese. And kana usina kumuboora its still all good because pane that ‘ex’ factor (the gift and the curse because ex factor inokwanisa kukukuvadza when that person does not take kindly to exes)

It happened according to plan naCharmaine. Ndakabva ndaenda kuBulawayo for about a month before form 4 results abuda zvekuti munguva iyoyo handina kana kumufonera kana kamwechete zvako. Musikana anozokudawo after that ibenzi chete. Ndakadhumhana naye zvangu and acted like aitove shamwari yangu yandanga ndisina kuona in ages and never hinted on any prior relationship. Plan yakashanda and she got the hint and never complained but I should have known because she later on became responsible for one of the worst experiences of my life and I am sure it was payback chaiyo. Mudzimai akaita grudge newe kuzoona rapera unenge waripa zvirokwazvo mudhara. For now all you have to know is musikana uyu has been telling the world a lot of shit about me since then. Tichasangana zvedu one day kurokesheni.

Not much to share today guys stories continue next week.

Episode 8 - first date

Now that zvanga zvafamba naCharmaine I was hoping that everything would just fit into place like a glove. I had my doubts hangu because it was rather ‘too easy’ in a way. Vakomana munozviziva inga wani! Zvinodawo kamothers kanomboramba ramba kambichana unobva wanyatsoziva kuti nyangwe ripi bhambi rinozama rinombowona moto kana kuti harina kana door.

Taive tambodhonza mazuva akati kuti tichitaura zvedu pafoni ndichidzika midzi plus kubatanidza bhanzi rekuzonyatsoimpressa pafirst date ka! I organised a date for the weekend because I knew she wouldn’t be at school which was the logical thing to do. The day rataifanira kusangana she called me (which she had not done before kubvira tadanana, rombe) then she apologised saying asara ega kuden saka she would not be able to make it. For isusu madhara azvo that was no problem ndakabva ndamubvunza kuti big family iri kudzoka nguvai ndimuvhakachire. Chivindi ndaive nacho ende ndinotoshaya kuti chakabvepi because pamabhebhi ndipo pandaida kutaridza huhombarume hwese. Charmaine said to me “Come right now if you can babie because that will give us a few hours since I have work to do and cooking as well.” Handina kuda kukakarisana neplan iri bhoo kudaro. A few hours?! Good shit mhani!

I found my way there within 45 minutes after she lived in the next neighbourhood, dai kusiri kuti ndaive mutown nakudhara ndakatokurumidza kupinda mumaraini avo. Ndasvika kudai bhebhi akabva anditi “Sisi vebasa varipo and actually ihama yamhamha saka enda neuko and jamba fence nekuseri.” I have to admit I was scared but I went willingly hoping that kushinga kwangu kuchabhadharwa zviri right. Ndajamba fence paya takaenda straight kubedroom kwake which she seemed to share with her sisters. It was just a bloody crowded house man! That was the least of my worries.

Tasvika kudaro ndakanyepedzera kuda kutaura nyaya zvishoma just not to make my intentions obvious but ndakainonokera colgate machinda! She was on top of me before I realised it! Now it started off well zidako softaz riri mumaoko nekukura kwaro ndanga ndakanyatsorishunya zvekufara zviya. Ndakatombokanganwa ka kuti I was at someone else’s house! It was just going too well baba! Kuzoti kiss kudai? Ndakanzwa kunge rurimi rwangu rwazvomorwa neVacuum cleaner zvekuti it can get detached from my mouth anytime. Guys mothers vaisagona kutsvoda ivavo and let me not even start about the bad breath. NO NO NO, this was NOT happening to me! Saliva everywhere seemed like she was now kissing my face not my mouth. Fantasy quickly turned into a nightmare, she was nowhere near experienced or having the slightest hint of what she was doing. Is this why ndirini ndega ndaimuona sengirozi iwo ari makumbo enyoka zvawo? Boys dzangu I tried to slow it down kuti kuda ndingadzidzisawo munhu pashoma but maya kwanga kusina iyoyo. That huge ass started becoming less and less important, all I could see was those tiny tits and a really really nasty chick. The grass wasn’t greener on the other side machinda kwanga kune draught uko!

Ndakangozovhara vhara ma-one imwe iya iya kuti ndichingoenda, I played my ‘I don’t want to move too fast because I really see so much potential with us’ card. I needed to get out of there quick! Charmaine agreed hake but I think she sensed that I had been put off. This was the first time in my life that I got turned off pamusikana zvekuti ndaisada kumuona and best believe it was not that last! Ndakabudamo ndichimhanya and on the way kumakombi (after she left of course) ndaingopfira pfira mate kunge kambwanana ungati ndanga ndadya chinhu chakaora. I learnt a valuable lesson in life that day!

Episode 7 - Tapinda tapinda

The moment she took the cellphone kuti aise number i knew kuti ndichamufonyora kusvikira asisagone kufunga mwana uyu. Ndakabva ndapihwa maInstruction ekuti don't call after six because dhedhi vanenge vadzoka. Munoziva vana vekuHigh school vabereki protect them kunge vachazovaroora varivo. Ndisati ndaenda ndikamuti "My name is Wilton by the way, you can call me Tony." She says to me. "I'm Charmaine." akabva asekerera and she went her merry way.

Handina kuda kubvira ndamufonera that night. Sometimes as a man its best to look as busy as possible kuti azasofunge kuti uri rombe rinongoswerombeya muTown. Ndanga ndiri paForm 4 holiday ini i had sooooooooooo much time to kill. Zvisineyi hazvo pamberi nenyaya ndanga ndakamuplannira horror yerudo maximum nyengaring time 2 weeks! Ndakazomufonera iri Wednesday ndikambotaura naye kambichana. Mubhuku rangu remaTactics ndaiziva kuti within 2 weeks ndinenge ndatove muVocabulary yake zvekuti ndikasafona aitogaya kuti pamwe ndadyiwa nechimwe chinhu. Mukutaurirana kwedu chokwadi waiona kuti pane chemistry apa. I dont know why but for some reason i got the feeling that she never really had too many guys ask her out. She tried to hide it but ndaizviona kuti arikutapirirwa neni ende ndaibva ndawedzera moto kuti zvipise.

My charms worked faster than viagra with this one. So much for the thrill of the chase which had been so exciting, she was easier than i anticipated. Apa changa chasara ka was kungomukandira shoko and i was sure kuti she would be mine. But there was a problem. I was still dating Chido at the time and i needed to get rid of her. The truth is guys ini i wanted an exclusive relationship one at a time where i could concentrate on musikana wangu till the very last (besides the fact yekuti vanhu vemumaSmall town ukahura unobatwa chop chop!). It didnt take much to finish off naChido which i managed to achieve within a few days. I wont repeat nyaya yacho munoiziva mese.

So now lets continue from the day when we parted ways naChido. After that last hug and kiss i knew kuti now i was a free man and ndaikwanisa kuchinyenga Charmaine zvekumuita bhebhi rangu one time. I did not waste time musi iwoyo, i went straight home and call the girl. Takambotaura a good hour while i gathered up enough courage to finally say the magic words, "Will you be my girlfriend?" Ndambobatwa nebuka varume because she paused kambijana and i was now scared kuti ndingangobhambiswa nekoso. Akabva anditi " Errmmmm ok, ya." ndikati yachata! Ndakazoswera ndichingozvibigga kuti ndiri dhara one mbama to another, ndombonzaniko?

Simba rekupedzisa zvakazoitika paFirst date handichina but i promise i will do that soon, untill next time!